Fifteen years ago today I could not even legally drink.
I was 19-years-old.
I was young and in love.
I was swept up in a very romantic story.
I had little girl dreams of a white dress and then, of course, a white-picket fence.
I didn’t care that we were still in school.
I didn’t care that we were just babies.
I just didn’t care.
I wanted to take that leap.
And here I am, fifteen years later.
Married to my best friend.
So ridiculously happy that I leapt.
Today over on Yummy Mummy Club, I’m talking about being an Unstoppable Mom to my Unstoppable Girls (and Boy!). I have been incredibly moved by the messaging of this—when I heard it discussed at Mom 2.0, when I watched the videos, when I look at my children.
This was an important one to write, it’s an important one to read, it’s an important one to talk about. I’d love it if you’d do some leaping of your own today and leap on over there and give this one a read.