June 16 06

Feast Ninety-Eight Appetizer What is a word that you use that would not be considered common? well…i guess because my grandparents only spoke yiddish and german, i have a lot of words that are normal for me to say. but other people don’t use them. like kvetch. that’s a big…

June 15 06

note #1 – to all of you people who think i’m a bad mother and let my daughter get herself in dangerous situations…you know who you are…(Stephanie…) – i assure you that both my nanny and i were on the scene – right on top of her – lest she…

So…a whole long time ago, i posted this. a list of my 20 pretend celebrity boyfriends. now, a year and a half later, my list has changed. some are still there. mmm…Jared Leto. Some are no longer…Jacob Young…who? so, for today, a day that i just don’t feel like doing…