Tag Archives: Level The Field

Why I’m Not Going to Tell You that I’m Still a Winner

Over the last few months, I have talked to you about the importance of play and the importance of a really special organization called Right To Play. I talked about big life AHA! moments and I have sung the praises of the best teammate a girl could ask for—Olympic gold…

It’s Sport for Development. Not Just Sport For Sport.

We often have these AHA! moments in life. I had one recently while at the Zareinu fashion show last week and I had one several weeks ago, just after I had signed up to participate as a parent ambassador in Right To Play’s Level The Field Program. We were on…

(Right To) Play Is Important For Children In Your Home And For Children in Developing Countries

We are a big gaming family. We play because it’s fun, of course. But there are so many other benefits that come from playing together as a family. In fact, according to the Canadian Council on Learning, play nourishes every aspect of children’s development – it forms the foundation of…