Category: the girl behind the screen

Your Creation

My en suite bathroom light goes on and off at will, and this week it’s having an off week. I now know how to shower, put on makeup, and other bathroom essentials by the mere light of the flashlight app on my iPhone. Yay technology. The timing is extra special,…

The Tiny Mouse and Trashy Ear Candy

We’ve taken to calling Emily Tiny Mouse. It’s just one of those sticky things, the same way Isabella became Bootsie years and years ago and I can’t actually remember the last time I called her anything but Bootsie and when I hear others refer to her as Bella or even…

The Sunday Night of Summer

I read something on Facebook — isn’t that the way of everything these days, I basically start every conversation in one of two ways: 1) I read something on Facebook… and 2) I was listening to this podcast… — that said that August is like the Sunday of summer. Indeed,…