I had lunch with a friend yesterday. Now, before you go and start pegging me as a lady who lunches, I’ll just put it out there that I have done this roughly four times in my adult life. It’s partial anxiety, of course, that keeps me from reaching out to…
February 22, 2019 – 9:39 am
My son, as you know, is very, very camera shy. I tell him all the time that if a stranger were to look at my instagram feed, it might look like I only have girl children. We mostly laugh about it and accept it, but sometimes, like when we are…
December 14, 2018 – 9:07 am
My life is a literal constant carousel of things my children want me to watch. “Just look at these meme,” the littlest one says. “Read this chart — those are my math grades. And this one. It shows how the Packers are going to make the playoffs,” the middlest one…