I am a writer, a mama, a wife, a lion tamer, a diet coke quitter, a juggler, a getter-of-drinks.
I drink too much coffee, laugh at inappropriate times, and am no longer allergic to nuts.
I live in the nosebleeds of Toronto, but wish I lived in the city. Or on a farm. Or in Ireland. Or someplace where I can feel my extremities in the winter.
I like the smell of clean sheets and the feel of almost everything from anthropologie.
I chew minty gum and love history more than the average person should, really.
I like to quote movies, eat cookie dough, and read three books at one time.
I love Jon Hamm, Mindy Lahiri, I miss LOST, and I like indie folk music.
I wish I could rid the world of LOLspeak and wearing leggings as pants.
Annie Edison stole my wardrobe and my children tell me that I am a DOF (destroyer of fun).
I am learning to use my camera better and love my thighs more.
I am the Marketing Manager at JNF by day, and a helper-with-homework and expert snuggler by night.