Monthly Archives: August 2015

In Which I’ll Probably Be Making A Community Garden {Sponsored}

Since I started working for a waste management company, our entire family has become more much aware of the environment. I spend a lot of time tweeting stories about recycling, and now I have become a pretty kick-ass (and kind of annoying) recycler and composter. I post stories daily to…


The dog days of summer are in full swing around here. Those weeks when camps have ended and my Facebook feed is full of adorable first day of school photos and the sweaters on display at the mall signal that school and fall and pumpkin spice everything season is just…

Anything To Declare?

As a person with a pretty fun and exciting (read: not actually fun and exciting) general anxiety disorder, you’d think that flying would be a pretty panic-inducing activity, and truthfully, it used to be.   God, did it ever. I used to wake up in cold sweats just thinking about…