Monthly Archives: October 2014

A #KeepingItTogether Story

The Shabbat Project could not have come at a better time. Not too long ago, I talked at length to a friend about the concept of Shabbat — this from-Friday-night-to-Saturday-night mandatory break. Because I am somewhat of a grammar girl, I likened it to the em-dash, describing this as a…

Why I Should Probably Buy A Scarf

The thing about working from home and liking to bake is, well, working from home and liking to bake. It can be a bad combination, really. See also: OREOS. Bananas going bad? Well, this needs to become banana bread. Obviously. Itching to try something using wowbutter? Peanut butter cookies it…

How I Tell My Stories

Sundays are like gahhhhhhhhhh. They are the most frazzle-y day of the week around here. Activities, grocery shopping, playdates, bar and bat mitzvahs, photoshoots, football. It’s all good things, of course. Good, but frazzled. Now Sundays after three-day Jewish holidays? Those are just beyond. And Sundays after three-day Jewish holidays…