Monthly Archives: February 2014

A Work In Progress

“Good afternoon, Ma’am, I’m calling to tell you about some suspicious activity we are detecting on your Windows computer.” “That’s funny, Sir, but I don’t even own a Windows computer. I have heard about this scam operation you guys are running here and so I’m going to hang up on…

You Trying To Say Ali Martell Can’t Hit A Curveball?

I’m basically Pedro Cerrano. You know, the Cuban, Voodoo-loving Cleveland Indian from Major League. The one whose bats only liked straight balls—and not, you know, curveballs. (source) There’s little that brings on instant panic more than: “Wife, I just need you to call {insert Government Agency here} and ask them…


I just cut 8 inches off of my hair. And got banged. Again. I needed this. I promise it’s not any kind of cry for help thing. I just really wanted a change. When you have sister-wife long and fine hair, winter is kind of a jerk. There’s the problem…