Monthly Archives: September 2013

The Book Of Life; The Clean Slate

My daughter enjoyed her very first Yom Kippur fast this weekend. Enjoyed is obviously the entirely wrong word, unless you count her whines of “OH MY GOD I’m going to die if I don’t eat anything right this very second” at 10am in the morning enjoyment. But she did it….

Where We REALLY Learned The Cup Trick: An ’80s Education

I received an invite to attend a Dora the Explorer Meet ‘N Greet and I sat in front of my computer screen and cried happy, happy tears because there are no more humans living in my house who want to watch Dora the Explorer. Or even watch the admittedly much…

The Scaffolding Situation

My husband is a great many things and there are many things that he is great at. I mean, he coached my son’s Bad News Bears-ish baseball team to a 14-0 championship win over the best team in the league this weekend. So, while he is qualified to do many…