Monthly Archives: August 2013

Budget-friendly Back-To-School Shopping: The Great Value Village Haul

Isabella and I got a chance to do some back-to-school shopping, thanks to our friends at Glam Media and Value Village. I’m pretty sure the video speaks for itself.

You Lead The Way, I Lead The Way

Confession: I am obnoxiously early. It’s a sickness, I realize. But I hate to be late. HATE. So, I always overestimate how long it’s going to take me to do anything, to get anywhere. Stopping for gas? A good twenty minutes! Picking up my neighbor? An extra ten, easily. Finding parking downtown?…

Dog Days, Indeed

I am pretty sure I have completely finished talking about my kids at camp. After all of my all-caps tweets about my kids being home and the dynamics of our household completely changing and posts about the 14 loads of laundry I did over the weekend, and questioning why my…