Monthly Archives: August 2012

The Four Things

On our long drive down to the Corus building allllll the way downtown yesterday, Emily and I discussed many things: how my music is basically torture for her, our favorite high school movies, how she doesn’t actually *want* to see ParaNorman tomorrow, but she will on account of all the…

On Googling Teachers

Sometimes I change my status updates on Facebook or I tweet something out and instead of it being ignored, responded to, favorited or whatever the cool kids are doing these days, the responses end up going in a direction I did not intend or could have even predicted. Remember that…

Beyond Debarge and Socks and Sandals

Before leaving for our family getaway to Clevelands House in Muskoka I made exactly one emergency stop: the book store. I bought four books: The Book of Mormon Girl, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, A Discovery of Witches and my August book club book, The Art of Fielding. I…