Monthly Archives: January 2011


It’s interesting what happens when someone close to you dies at the age of 99. Death, obviously, is never easy, and funerals of any kind are always pretty heartbreaking, especially when your stepdad speaks about his mother being the best woman he has ever known but it’s barely audible because…

You Can Cut This Angst With a Knife.

Oh. Are you in for a treat here. When I was at my mom’s in the summer I found my entire adolescence packed neatly into a giant cardboard box at the back of the closet in my childhood bedroom. There were pictures. Report cards. Mix tapes. Papers I wrote. Yearbooks….


Somebody needs to take away my parenting license, I think. At work yesterday, my ears started burning. I ask Carol what this means and she’s all, “yeah, it probably means you are getting sick,” which I sort of scoffed at because I figured she just wanted to share the wealth…