Monthly Archives: September 2010

Back in the days of nothing but rice cereal.

My daughter spent the late hours of September 11th, 2010 down at ground zero in New York City. I am so glad she was there. It was coincidence, really, that her first big-girl trip to spend a few days with my sister and her first time in NYC happened to…

I’m Okay With A NEW BELT. And It Being 1997.

The heat is on in my house right now. How did this happen? How did it go from sundresses and sweating to sweaters and, GASP, boots???!?! The funny thing is, though, that earlier this week, the weather turned, and some people saw it as an opportunity to haul out the…

Summer is officially over…so I’m giving you a $100 Visa gift card.

My kids had the summer of their lives this year. Three full months of no school. Eight states: South Carolina. Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan. Eight camps, nine if you include Camp Mommy. One ocean. One waterpark capital of the world. Three sets of grandparents. One trip to Ottawa….