Monthly Archives: February 2010

All The Small Things…

Putting a deposit down on THE house. Cleaning lady day. No homework days. Movie theater popcorn. Josh knowing all the words to The Star Spangled Banner. A giant coffee showing up without you having to ask for it. Your favorite hoodie straight out of the dryer. A giant hunk of…

This one is all over the place. Kind of like NBC’s olympic coverage…

Olympic fever. It has hit me, hard. It always does. Summer. Winter. Always. In 1996 in Atlanta, I actually got to be right in the thick of things, including a run-past-security dash to storm the floor after the closing ceremonies were over. No, really. I am not kidding. No, I…

It can’t be all bad when you get to pop bubble wrap AND eat cheetos at the same time. I’m just saying.

Yesterday afternoon, due to a surprising almost-70 degree day, a received a very special, sunny gift. The park. I know I have mentioned before that the park isn’t entirely my favorite, but seeing as how we have been stuck in this coldest winter to ever done hit Atlanta, and I…