Monthly Archives: November 2009

My family came for Thanksgiving and all I got was this 5-pound food baby.

Only, sigh, it’s not entirely true. I am, yes, nursing a lardy food baby this morning thanks in part to an emotional eating tendency and in part to a tremendous amount of deliciousness at my fingertips. The Thanksgiving meal is my most favorite ever. turkey, stuffing, gravy, peas, sweet potatoes…and…

Don’t tell me the most surprising thing about this post is the fact that I collected basketball cards. in high school.

I’m trying to decide if I should just redirect you over to Aiming Low, where I have a post up about all the things for which I am thankful and it’s a 16 item list that is chock full of nuggets such as being thankful for the fact that Isabella…

This is what you get on mondays…pumpkins and failures.

So, the husband came home on Friday, which means that I spent most of my weekend hibernating. I slept in, twice, and napped, twice. Refueling. I needed it. Good god, I needed it. The last two weeks have been filled with just too much emotional and physical and swine-flu related…