Monthly Archives: February 2009

you take the good, you take the bad (you are totally singing now, eh?)

my parents’ Golden, Roxee, is super sick.You all remember Roxee, right? The famous apple-eating puppy video? We found out recently that Miss Roxee has lymphoma. She goes in today for a bone marrow test and her first treatment. Needless to say, our family is very sad right now. last night,…


Emily lost a tooth today that wasn’t loose. the tooth that has been loose for almost a year, the one that has the adult tooth grown in UNDERNEATH it (think: my daughter = shark), the one she talks about non-frigging-stop, however, is still in. not coming out. ever. TYPICAL Emily….

sideswept. my brain and my van.

some little fucker in a pimped-out honda civic hatchback came thisclose to hitting me this morning and so, basically, i forgot everything i was going to tell you. Now, the only thing i can think about is who the hell pimps out a honda civic? also, who drives hatchbacks? i…