Monthly Archives: December 2007

in the mind of a toddler

the mind of a two-year-old is an interesting, interesting place. well, at least my two-year-old. on sunday we had this conversation: “mommy, i need a band-aid” “why exactly?” “because. daddy said there are snakes in my head” “um…okay?” “and he told me. that the snakes will eat my bwains.” “oh…

weekendables…also, i might be rainbow brite

guess what we were doing at 10am on sunday morning?? if you guessed sitting around in pajamas drinking hot chocolate and playing the wii…you are officially dead to me. because, alas, we were not doing these things. any of them. we were digging ourselves out of six feet of snow*…

Friday Smackdown #9

from here on out, the Friday Smackdown will be hanging out over here. so, go there. now! while you’re over there trying to figure out what the hell this is: i’ll be over here trying to gather up $38.70 in exact cash currency. because that’s how much i have to…