Monthly Archives: July 2004

But now you want to know the #1 most embarrassing story…

…it’s not all that exciting. I put my ass through the back of a wicker chair when we were eating at Jack and Ilana’s house. I stood up to get something and when i went to sit back down…riiiiip…I’m completely traumatized from that day, even though they don’t think it…

Sweet the lick…

It’s embarrassing, and my friends like to bring it up at social events, so I figure I’ll just get it out in the open. It’s my #2 most embarassing moment. We are sitting around one night watching The Karate Kid – one of my all-time faves – with our friends…

Interesting Info Nugget

Not to devote my entire day to the Pennsylvania Dutch…but this is interesting. The Amish weren’t actually Dutch, they were German. But “Deutsch” got turned into “Dutch” at some point.