October 8, 2013 – 9:26 am
It’s no secret that I am terrified to shower when I am home alone. I have mentioned the three things I will assume happens when I dare derobe and have the audacity to clean myself. The first is this: I always assume that there’s something at the door from UPS…
September 24, 2013 – 12:11 am
I have been watching the last few episodes of Breaking Bad hiding mostly underneath a giant comforter shouting expletives and “OH MY HEAVENLY DAYS”-esque reactions at my television. Vince Gilligan has been knocking the back eight of this season out of the park. Seriously. Most shows tend to lose a…
August 21, 2013 – 4:50 pm
I am having zero luck with coffee today. This morning, I had a long fight with the wall hairdryer in my hotel room—oh it was a fight that I lost badly, resulting in a lovely hairstyle that looked a bit like a cross between a drunk Russell Crowe as a…