Category: the girl behind the screen

Mensa Candidates, We Are Not

I seriously am, like, giddy with excitement to write about what I did yesterday while you were all getting enraged about a Time magazine cover and discussing Obama and gay marriage, but, alas, I’m waiting for images of me and Ross the half-nude model to come in from the Harlequin…

HighSchoolAli Probably Would Have Been a Little Shocked By This

I currently have the full-time job I have because of this site right here. That’s pretty sweet, if you ask me. (See bloggers…it can be done!) This space right here is not currently a money maker, unless, of course, you count the coffee money I get from running the two ads you…

Pass The Pudding and Oatmeal

I feel like I don’t ask much from my body. I mean, I’m fairly good to it. I feed it more good-for-it stuff than bad-for-it stuff. I gave up Diet Coke more than a year ago—cold turkey. I move it on a regular basis. I even just bought it TWO…