Category: the girl behind the screen

Turn Around Bright Eyes. {But Avoid The Irish Coffee}

Maybe it was the terrible Irish coffee {PSA: never order an Irish coffee at a mediocre Toronto bar after you’ve had Irish coffee in Ireland no matter how cold your hands are from the first really bitter cold November nights} or maybe it was the fact that I hadn’t actually…


Well, the good news is that my foot is likely not broken. Black and blue and twice its normal size, but not broken. My kids are thrilled that I can still do their laundry and that it’s my left foot, so I can still drive them. This is what I’m…

Month Of Crimson Sunsets

So I sort of suspected that I was losing in the Ali VS October war when I sat down at the computer to write a mildly amusing {possibly only to me} post about how my husband and I grocery shop — how he navigates the aisles and how he buys…