Category: The Friends

second time’s a charm

i’ve spoken before about how the husband and i have zero sympathy for each other as far as our hands go. i have tendonitis. in my right hand. there’s things i can’t do. like put on my bra and open jars. he has a broken bone. in his right hand….

payback! and some hidden talents! and a rarity!

Remember when i went to St. Lucia? and remember when i told you that it was a great vacation but the service was so bad it was almost comical? and remember when i told you that Ilana was on the case?? well, lookie what showed up yesterday…. Our apologies are…

XLII and ali eats cake

i won’t lie. i didn’t want the Giants to win. In general, i find New York fans of any kind to have a sense of worthiness that i find grating and annoying (there are some exceptions, of course…like my friend Adrienne and metalia, who i will allow to be both…