Joshua: Daddy, can we go cowtipping?
Daddy: Sure, Josh, right after we put on our overalls and shuck the corn. yeehaw.
So, last night my plan was to be all productive-like.
to finish a blanket i was working on
to catch up on all the shows i’ve missed this week
to write my post for urbanmoms
to scrapbook. i’m so behind, yo.
to bake something for this baby shower pot-luck we are having today at work (yes, i was going to bake…even though i can’t eat baked goods on South Beach). instead, i’m empty-handed. and feel shitty about it.
to convince y’all to head on over to The Canadian Blog Awards site and vote for me. no pressure. but you all know how i feel about winning…i’ve been nominated – i still don’t know who nominated me – in two categories: Best Personal Blog and Best Family Blog.
but, instead, i spent hours and hours becoming a south park character. thanks, HBM. This wasn’t the first time i’d seen this site…but i took one look at Her Bad Mother’s character and i was all, like, hey, missy, that looks so freakin’ like her, it’s silly. so, screw you guys and all the things i was going to do last night….
except, embarrassingly, i’m VERY boring, but this picture, looks almost exactly like me, except she’s got better roots.
and here’s another one of me, boring again…i.can’t.stop.:
you think they’ll understand at the baby shower when i use “i was becoming a south park character” as an excuse?
~loved Parvati all “that’s…not fun.”
 ~bwah! i was so glad to see Jenny and her smug face get the boot. and it was great to see the surprise vote…they had to scramble to vote someone off without talking first. it was great!
~and what’s with Jeff all of a sudden pronouncing Parvati correctly?
~Ozzy and Yul kiss. squee!
~Did Jenny flip the bird on the way out? anyone?
~It was no “new York Jews in Iceland” but Jonathan made me smile with his “who knew a jew could climb a tree?”
~Adam and Candice make me want to vomit. 1, 2, 3…candice. epic. truly epic.
Grey’s Anatomy
~ my love for Bailey grows by leaps and bounds this week. telling Meredith to shut the fuck up in the OR, the story with the peas and her kid, singing us out at the end. she’s wonderful.
~loved the Addison/Callie/Bailey interaction while watching surgery.
~The shit with ‘tremor-gate 2006’ is going to hit the fan soon. George knows. Bailey suspects. and Cristina is on the verge of a total breakdown.
~Ali liked the scene with the twins. and Ali even laughed out loud when Izzy was feeling the pecs.
~Callie and her car analogy. it’s hard not to heart her. even if she dances in her underwear and sleeps with Mcsteamy.
~Cristina telling George’s dad that he’s the best intern! oh my freakin’ lord, she does have a heart!
~”No pickle for you!” even though i loathe McSteamy, that was damn funny.