Well, Chris Cactus and Aimee Greeblemonkey are in cahoots. Thanks to his mad organizational skillz and her mad designing skillz, i’ve been suckered into begging you to come out of the closet and delurk. i mean, not in a Tom Cruise/John Travolta southpark kinda way…not that there’s anything wrong with that…
leave me a comment today and let me know that you’re out there.
the last time we did this…in January of 2007, i got 28 comments. (also…i used the same Tom Cruise and John Travolta joke, i see…) please, dear god, tell me we can do better than that!
i wasn’t planning to partake in this little comment whoring project again…you see, i’ve been feeling kinda…um…i don’t know, weird about the whole commenting thing. I’ve been blogging for a LONG time. since 2004. and my comments haven’t really risen that much. i mean, sure, i’ve gone from getting about 7 last year to getting an average of about 18 this year…and i used to care. i REALLY used to care. just ask my comment-whore-in-crime, Sam. it baffles me that many blogs bring in 50+ comments on posts about nothing. and no, Beck, i’m NOT taking about you, silly. you know i think you are awesome. and it irks me sometimes when i comment and comment (on a daily basis) on certain sites and i never get any sort of response back…not a recipo-comment or even a reply to my comment. i try really hard to do one other those – to comment back or to reply. i try to build relationships with my readers….so i ask you, how many times would you comment on a site without getting any sort of acknowlegement in return??? once? twice? 100? indefinitely?
(side point…just to break up this extra long post…as if there isn’t enough ali on the net (band name?) i decided to join a group on flickr…it’s called The Working Closet. it’s pretty obvious what it is…we post photos of what we wear every day. so, every morning i take a lovely little shot like this:
 anyway, the group has some great, faithful members who, like me, like to take pictures of themselves, but we need some more. we need YOU! so come and join us)
so, yeah, back to my point…i wasn’t going to do it…but both Aimee and Chris emailed me to ask me to do it…and i can’t say no. i never say no. you want me to pick you up from the airport? of course i will. you need me to pick up some milk for you? sure thing. you want to go see Mr. Woodcock instead of something, oh, say, in my top 100 choices?? you bet i’ll say yes. you want to change the time of a meeting, even though it’s completely inconvenient? no problem. i can stop now, you get the point…i’m AGREEABLE.
so, i’m going to ask you a question to answer in your comment…it’s a burning question that our crew discussed at length (right after we tried to decide which of our friends had the best body…) on sunday night at dinner…
What movie are you embarrassed to admit that you love??
the husband was the only one to really give an answer…his was West Side Story. he loves the crap out of that movie. oh, and Frye admitted to really liking Legally Blonde. for serious.
now, i suppose you’ll want to know mine. sheesh…you are so nosey!!
It’s a tough one…but the first movie that comes to mind is ‘Center Stage’ ÂÂ
you can stop laughing now.