this post and i are all over the place this morning. perhaps it’s because i haven’t yet had my coffee (that is guaranteed to NOT be a winner when i rrrrrrooolllll up my rim). perhaps it’s because i stayed up past midnight WORKING last night. perhaps it’s because there is a strange warmth in the air….i didn’t wear a jacket today! insane! perhaps it’s because my entire family was asleep when i left the house this morning…which means that daylight savings time has officially worked in everyone’s favor but mine.
so, let’s start with a picture. because everyone loves those. Isabella and i were mucking around with my camera and took this shot, by accident, but for some reason, i really like it (although, p.s., my nose looks really strange. i promise it doesn’t look that…erm..pointy in real life!) also, i happen to be wearing my favorite shirt in the picture. it says Southern Townie on it. love!
i guess i should consider myself a celebrity now, since yesterday i got my first real piece of ‘hate mail’ over at my other site, Fabulous. i thought my skin was way thicker than this, but, wow, this one really stung. and it made me think. but, really, at the end of the day, the mistake with my nanny was that i never properly set up an employer/employee relationship. she was always part of the family, she was always my friend. i never was able to tell her what to do, even though it was her job. so, she let things slip. and i never said anything. so, in the end, she’s the most expensive friend i’ve ever had. but i will NOT tolerate someone who doesn’t know me or my family or her, for that matter, judge me so harshly.
now, onto the meme. miss queen of the tag-o, miss haley-o, tagged me again. so, in her words, check it:
Instructions: List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what they are. They must be songs you are presently enjoying. Then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to.
1. How to Save a Life – The Fray (listen here)
2. Black Mirror – Arcade Fire (listen here)
3. Not Big – Lily Allen (listen here)
4. Open Your Eyes – Snow Patrol (listen here)
5. Hide and Seek – Imogen Heap (listen here)
6. Fidelity – Regina Spektor (listen here)
7. Phanton Limb – The Shins (listen here)
so….Beth….Sarah….Nicole….Chris….Chantal…Lara…Mrs. Chicky…you’re it!
now..last but not least…we must chat about American Idol – the Top Twelve!
Well, it’s good times at AI, folks. good times. Paula is drinking again…and making Simon laugh. Ryan is coming out of the closet. and Diana Ross invents a new word – pronunciate.
the good:
Lakisha – woman is all CLASS. she’s an amazing person and an amazing singer. and she knows it. which is why she can get out there and use her ‘big ‘ole voice’ love her.
Melinda – she’s great. heart.
Jordin – 17 years old! i don’t love when they bring on the ballads, but Jordin’s so good that i didn’t really mind. she’s lovely to listen to.
Blake – i actually like Blake. he’s original. he’s fun. he doesn’t bore me to death. in Randy’s words…’might not be the best we’ve heard from you…but it was a’ight’ they told him to Blake-ize his songs and he did. good for him.
the meh:
Phil – he definitely wins the most improved award. usually, he messes up right out of the gate. last night he was alright. too bad he’s sooo hard to look at. he reminds me too much of Sloth from the Goonies.
Chris R. – he’s not bad, albeit a little nasally. but i like him.
the bad:
Chris S. – i need to see the glasses again, buddy. eh, he pretty much destroyed that song. i didn’t like it at all. and i LOVE coldplay. go figure.
Sanjaya – what is there to say? he’s so hard to listen to. i’d take three Antonellas if it meant i didn’t have to listen to anymore of Sanjaya’s “singing”. and the hair! the hair! poodle much?
Brandon – *crickets* his problem is that he’s still a background singer. there’s nothing special to him at all. he doesn’t stand out. also, my six year old wouldn’t even flub those lyrics.
Hayley – oh, Haley of the saggy boobs. what is there to say at this point?  there are no words. and she forgets ’em anyway…
Stephanie – she’s outshined by Lakisha and Melinda. she’s not long for this competition. entirely forgettable.
Gina – she’s got so much potential, but each time she sings she just misses it a little bit. she’s shouty and awkward. i want to like her so badly.
going home? should be Sanjaya…but i’m guessing Hayley.