All I want for Christmas is to ban some things from my Twitter and Facebook streams:
Made of awesome. See also: Full of win.
XXX shades of awesome. Usually it’s eleventy. Sometimes it’s eleventy billion.
Rad. There are, of course, exceptions to this one. Some people can totally use rad and sound, well, like the word was made for them. Take my friend, Kerri, for example. I think it’s a West Coast thing, actually.
Hot mess. Can we please put this one to rest? PLEASE.
Totes. Please to include all other forms of shortening. Cardi? Really? I’m looking at you, Old Navy.
My ovaries are hurting. Okay, look, I really like babies, especially the cute ones like Ollie, OMG. But do you want to know what happens to my ovaries when I look at him? Hell if I know…I don’t even know where the crap my ovaries ARE. I do know that I really want to sniff him and squish him and maybe steal him a little bit.
LOLZ. And any variation of LOLspeak.
Epic fail. Or really anything epic actually.