This is a compensated review by BlogHer and Arm & Hammer.
Oh, laundry.
I do a tremendous amount of laundry. I do. I mean, we are a family of five. And truth be told, I actually  don’t mind doing laundry. I enjoy being able to disappear into a laundry room where no one can find me and I find folding laundry eerily calming. It’s really only the putting-away-of-laundry that I take issue with…which is why I have four hampers filled with clean laundry all ready to be put away. Tomorrow. Or maybe the next day.
So, putting it away. And finding a perfect stain solution. Oh yes. I have sampled them all. That Spray and Wash pink and white dual thingamajig. The Tide Stain Brush. Some sort of Shout gel. I take recommendations from friends, from other moms, from random strangers at Target.
You see, I live with pigs. I mean, I love my family dearly….but no one can manage to keep clean. Isabella drags her sleeves through her food, through her painting, through just about everything. She can’t drink without spilling. She can’t eat without dropping. She can’t color without slipping. It’s just a fact of life. She is always covered in something. And Josh. Josh plays baseball and thinks that sliding is an art form. So, he usually comes home from games with pants that look a little like this…
Why they make them wear WHITE is beyond me.
And Emily. She’s my neatest child. Which is why, heaven help me, she hides her stained clothing from me and usually I don’t discover them until AFTER they have been washed and then, um, set in, like this…
Because I am constantly doing very active children’s very dirty clothing, I was thrilled when this showed up on my doorstep.
I mean, you see what this is, right? It’s ARM & HAMMER® plus OxiClean® Power Gel Laundry Detergent. It’s a detergent with a stain fighter already in it. It’s brilliant. BRILLIANT, I tell you.
So, brilliant, in fact, that I am not going to actually tell you. I’m just going to let the pictures do the talking…
Oh my god, you guys. This is IT. It’s perfect for my messy kids. It’s perfect for my kid who hides her stains from me. It’s perfect.
Arm & Hammer isn’t just offering a product that you are going to want, nay need, to own, they also want to give you a chance to win a $200 VISA gift card. All you have to do is tell me, in the comment below, what outdoor (or indoor) activity generates the most amount of stains. OR tell me what the very worst stain to ever had was. I can tell you mine. It involved some walls and some carpeting and some NONwashable Crayola Markers (You know you’ve got some dirty laundry to share!)
Don’t forget:
to visit Arm & Hammer’s official site for some more information about this product.
to visit the special offers page for more reviews and more chances to win.
to visit the official rules page for more information about this contest.
Good Luck! The contest runs until 5:00pm (PST) on April 30, 2010.