Last night at approximately 8:52, the power went out in our neighborhood.
I—and the poorly-timed sharp shooting pain in my right temple—had just listened to Isabella’s rendition of her new favorite book, Barbie: I Can Be President while she stalled for extra staying-up minutes and was listening to Josh yell at the Batman: Arkham city game he was playing and was listening to some Justin Bieber song on lather, rinse, repeat because apparently, when I wasn’t looking, Bieber went from like totally uncool Mama to OMGILOVEJUSTINIWANTTOMARRYHIM! I was cursing my husband for daring to spend another evening on the ice hockey rink and then…the lights were off.
And then before I knew it I had three kids and two working ipads in my bed.
If you are doing the math at home, it’s not pretty.
At just before nine, there were still smiles all around.
But then.
Josh: It’s just like that new show! What if the power never comes back on?? Oh my god! We are doooooomed! And you’ll never have a job again! What are we going to do? All of our food is going to be spoiled! How will we ever play XBOX again? What happens when the ipads have no more power???????
Emily: Want to hear me sing my Justin Bieber song? If you get the flashlight you can watch me dance to it too.
Josh: The power has been out for 14 minutes.
Josh: The power has been out for 23 minutes.
Josh: The power has been out for 54 minutes.
Josh: The power has been out for 1 hour and 11 minutes.
Josh: The power has been out for 1 hour and 28 minutes.
Josh: The power has been out for 1 hour and 36 minutes.
Me: I know, let’s tell each other stories until the lights come back on! Come on! It’ll be fun!
Josh told the story of Jason and Argonauts. He’s a little obsessed.
Emily told the story about the bunny family—Sali, Semily, Sella, Sosh. And wouldn’t you know it? Sali decided to buy her favorite bunny Semily a brand new siPhone 5! Amazing! She’s a little obsessed.
Isabella told a story about the princesses who once upon a time in a land far, far away the princess became president. She’s a little obsessed.
Josh: The power has been out for 1 hour and 57 minutes.
I told the story about the death by Thornhill blackout and how the Martells would be the first to get voted off of the Revolution island.
The kids were not amused.
But I sure was.