survey says..
PSA #1 – Please do not ask me if I have sold my house yet. No, we haven’t sold yet. No, I’m NOT worried. Yes, we may have priced it a little high because yes, we have lots of time. Yes, we may drop the price a bit if necessary. No, I’m NOT worried. and again, No, I’m NOT worried.
PSA #2 – Please go see Wolverine with low expectations…because then you might enjoy it. okay, fine, here’s where I admit to you that I have seen NONE of the X-Men movies. none. and I’ve read none of the comic books (I know. this news shocks you) So, I really had no idea what all this mutant crap was even about.
I’m sorry. did you say something other than, cough, reynolds as deadpool and, um, cough, kitsch as gambit?!
I didn’t think so.
I mean, the other 12 people I saw the movie with probably thought there was supposed to be a plot or something. silly people. this is how you need to see a movie like this…no expectations other than some quality time with two of my boyfriends.
PSA #3 –Please keep showing me things like this
because I don’t know how much more pre-pre-teen angst and how much more poo in my basement and holes in my underwear I can take. (the angst is Emily’s; the poo/underwear is Indy’s. just wanted to make that clear. heh)
PSA #4 – Please don’t let my daughter’s friends anywhere near peanut butter. Isabella came home on Friday wearing her friend Jonny’s pants and offered up this information about the reason for said pants. “Jonny and I were playing and Jonny peed in the peanut butter and then we laughed and then he told me to pee in my pants because it would be funny and so i did. and it was. funny, I mean. it was really funny!”
so, we laughed. and then we gave Jonny a jar of peanut butter along with his birthday gift yesterday.
PSA #5 – Please watch this at least ten times today.
you won’t be sorry.
swine flu? man, I’m too fast to let it catch me!