March 17 06

and two men…

don’t get too excited. two ninja turtles were there too, and a headless spiderman. and a few rubber ducks. and ariel.

our shower is broken. it was leaking water. the guy we had in the last time one of us was out of work (why does it always happen like that? things break only when you can’t afford to fix them.) did a shitty job. so, by dear husband, the handyman, starting taking apart the wall, piece by piece, in a very Andy Dufresne-rock hammer-shawshank-y kind of way.

so, now, my bathroom looks like a construction site, and the shower is completely un-usable. so, until we can afford to fix the thing, again, we are showering in the kids bathroom. with the barbies and the kens and the ninjas and the superheroes. joy.

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