…you CAN lose things in both the ocean
and the pool…
…i could look WAY worse in a bikini after birthing THREE children
…if you put a giant bed outside by the pool, drunk people WILL do the thriller dance on it.
…there is no shame in eating four muffins and a croissant for breakfast…even out of an airplane motion sickness bag (i am ALL class, baby!)
…a white bra under a blue dress = not a good idea
…when it rains…you still brave the pool…
and then you conquer the world in Risk…
…if you mock your husband by the pool…he will attack with this…
what? you can’t see it? how about now?
yes. a fucking hickey.
…and you will take cheesy group shots with the best friends you could ever have. on the best. vacation. ever.
..you can see the rest of the photo set here…
ps…i’d like to thank the girls who kept you entertained while i was away…Chantal, Becca, Beck, Angella, and Casey. Big tongue kisses for you all. MWAH!