March 10 08

…you CAN lose things in both the ocean

and the pool…

…i could look WAY worse in a bikini after birthing THREE children

…if you put a giant bed outside by the pool, drunk people WILL do the thriller dance on it.

…there is no shame in eating four muffins and a croissant for breakfast…even out of an airplane motion sickness bag (i am ALL class, baby!)

…a white bra under a blue dress = not a good idea

…when it rains…you still brave the pool…

and then you conquer the world in Risk…

…if you mock your husband by the pool…he will attack with this…

what? you can’t see it? how about now?

yes. a fucking hickey.

…and you will take cheesy group shots with the best friends you could ever have. on the best. vacation. ever. can see the rest of the photo set here
ps…i’d like to thank the girls who kept you entertained while i was away…Chantal, Becca, Beck, Angella, and Casey. Big tongue kisses for you all. MWAH!


    Comment by Shannon on March 10, 2008
  2. Welcome back! Looks like you had a great time! Was the resort itself fabulous? I’m looking for a place for my honeymoon. I’ll have to check out the rest of your Flickr pics later. You missed quite the storm here!

    Comment by Steph on March 10, 2008
  3. You look AWESOME in a bikini!

    It looks like a fab trip!

    Queen of Shake Shake’s last blog post..The Pissy Superpower

    Comment by Queen of Shake Shake on March 10, 2008
  4. WELCOME HOME! Fab waterfall pic .. glad you had a fantastic time!

    Comment by Sarah on March 10, 2008
  5. Jealous.
    Sounds like you had almost as much fun as all of us being bombarded by snow.
    I wasn’t sure if you would actually make it back!

    LD’s last blog post..Paging Dr. Freud … and a Pick Me Up

    Comment by LD on March 10, 2008
  6. WOW! Just wow! You’re so lucky 🙂

    Multi-Tasking Mommy’s last blog post..This is what happens….

    Comment by Multi-Tasking Mommy on March 10, 2008
  7. ah… looks like Heaven!
    PS. what resort?

    Holly’s last blog post..Snowstorm PSA

    Comment by Holly on March 10, 2008
  8. I’m more concerned with the sunburn on your neck than the hickey! (Though it is impressive!)

    Comment by Chantal on March 10, 2008
  9. eyewitness testimony: you look smoking hot in a bikini. 3 kids or not.

    Comment by Giblet on March 10, 2008
  10. Welcome back!! Sounds like you guys had a fabulous time, I’m so jealous!

    BTW, welcome back to all this snow!!

    And, I LOATHE hickey wars. Hope you have a nice turtleneck for work today!!

    Comment by sam on March 10, 2008
  11. Welcome back!! Sounds like you guys had a fabulous time, I’m so jealous!

    BTW, welcome back to all this snow!!

    And, I LOATHE hickey wars. Hope you have a nice turtleneck for work today!!

    sam’s last blog post..And Then I Ate Another Donut

    Comment by sam on March 10, 2008
  12. Wow nice nice nice. Looks like you guys had a fab time. I just wish I could have done more relax and less work while I was there. Next time!

    Chantal’s last blog post..Aren’t we all

    Comment by Chantal on March 10, 2008
  13. Looks fantastic ! And it’s true Ali, you’re hot ! You give me hope for the future.

    Comment by Heather on March 10, 2008
  14. So wait… you got back this weekend?!? That means all this snow is YOUR FAULT since the fates needed to punish you (or something like that).

    Thanks a LOT.

    SciFi Dad’s last blog post..TRS: Winter Sucks

    Comment by SciFi Dad on March 10, 2008
  15. Great post Ali. We miss you guys already. When’s the next holiday?

    Comment by lan on March 10, 2008
  16. looks like you had a great time Ali…

    Comment by LAVENDULA on March 10, 2008
  17. Welcome home! Looks like an amazing trip!

    Comment by Angella on March 10, 2008
  18. A fun plane ride (pizza and a new BOY friend) and 24 hours later:

    Sand has turned to snow.
    Water to Ice.
    Bikinis to Jackets 🙁
    And Thriller to Chiller. (It’s a non-rhyming poem).

    No breakfast this morning.
    No seats reserved by the pool.
    Life returns to normal.
    It is so cruel!

    Have a great day.
    No pressure. NO worries.

    PS. Great photographer for some of those shots! Can’t wait for the home slide show over some mudlides.

    Comment by Dr. J on March 10, 2008
  19. “…even out of an airplane motion sickness bag”
    Love it!
    Classy with a capital C.

    hillary’s last blog post..Your Face Reminds Me Of A Flower

    Comment by hillary on March 10, 2008
  20. Color me jealous! Looks like a great vacation! Welcome back to the boring real world.

    And yes, you look damn good for birthing three children. I haven’t birthed one and I won’t wear a bikini. Wah.

    Megan’s last blog post..Sharing the embarrassment…

    Comment by Megan on March 10, 2008
  21. Keep rubbin’ the salt in sweetie, I think you missed a spot.

    moosh in indy.’s last blog post..A teaser with a swollen bloody end.

    Comment by moosh in indy. on March 10, 2008
  22. OK, so is my text showing up green – ’cause I am so green with envy it is oozing outta my pores over here.

    Lucky, and awesome! Make s me want to make a trip like that happen for my hubs and a couple of our good pals 🙂

    Comment by jennyonthespot on March 10, 2008
  23. You look much too awesome in a bikini for having had three children! Good grief!
    Glad you’re back – your trip looks like it was SO MUCH FUN.

    Rebecca’s last blog post..Monday Means Kitchen Party

    Comment by Rebecca on March 10, 2008
  24. isn’t st lucia the total bomb?!?! glad you had a blast!!!!! love the pics!

    jennster’s last blog post..why i married this guy

    Comment by jennster on March 10, 2008
  25. ps- did you love the regency?!??! when we go back, we’re going to stay there!

    jennster’s last blog post..why i married this guy

    Comment by jennster on March 10, 2008
  26. Dude. You look hawt! Not only would I look not as great in a bikini, I wouldn’t dare to wear one in the first place.

    Looks like you had a fabulous time (I’ll admit I’m a twee bit jealous – but Edmonton is totally as cool as St. Lucia, right?) 🙂

    andi’s last blog post..Doing her part to set the women’s movement back 50 years

    Comment by andi on March 10, 2008
  27. Looks like everyone had fun! St Lucia’s a beautiful place. I’ll never forget the rainforest there….

    Haley-O’s last blog post..Abigail?

    Comment by Haley-O on March 10, 2008
  28. I am soooo green! That looked like an awesome time!
    You look great in a bikini. I think I’ll go have another muffin now that I’m not going somewhere warm for the next little while…

    Karen MEG’s last blog post..It’s a Party

    Comment by Karen MEG on March 10, 2008
  29. Your boobs look HUGE in the photo of you lying down.

    You know, just thought I would point it out.

    SleepyNita’s last blog post..Once upon a time ….

    Comment by SleepyNita on March 10, 2008
  30. totally drooling over the St. Lucia thing. Want vacation NOW please! And you all look just ADORABLE, stop it!

    skiplovey’s last blog post..Desert dwelling

    Comment by skiplovey on March 10, 2008
  31. Nice.
    I had one of those from the weekend as a result of mocking too.
    You look like you had a blast!
    I’m glad you’re back.


    Comment by Keri on March 10, 2008
  32. Wow, it looks like you had the best freaking holiday ever… And I think that cheesy group shot in the pool is awesome. Also, GIANT POOL BED! I dreamed about one of those once… I wasn’t doing the thriller dance on it though. I should have.

    Leaf, probably…’s last blog post..Spot Quiz! With a side of badass (only, like, girly badass.)

    Comment by Leaf, probably... on March 10, 2008
  33. hot bikini momma! woo!

    Lara’s last blog post..Movie Meme Google-age

    Comment by Lara on March 10, 2008
  34. Welcome back Ali – glad you had a great time and yup… you’re pretty smokin’ in those bikini’s. Your guest bloggers did a great job… but I missed ya!

    jasmine’s last blog post..WTF !!!

    Comment by jasmine on March 10, 2008
  35. ooh I am SOOO jealous
    of our trip
    you in that bikini!

    AbsolutelyBananas’s last blog post..Make Me Laugh Monday

    Comment by AbsolutelyBananas on March 10, 2008
  36. hehehe… what an awesome trip! I am so jealous! I think group holidays are an awesome idea!!

    glad you had a great time!

    Bronnie’s last blog post..100 things to do before I go.

    Comment by Bronnie on March 11, 2008
  37. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous! It looks like you had a blast and OMG! You look fahbulous dahling in a bikini!

    Visit me @

    Mom On The Run’s last blog post..About Mom On The Run:

    Comment by Mom On The Run on March 11, 2008
  38. Looks like so much fun! And you are rocking that bathing suit!

    Comment by anne nahm on March 12, 2008
  39. Is it weird if I tell you that you look HOT in your bikini? Because DUDE. You do.

    metalia’s last blog post..It’s Time For…ASK A JEW!

    Comment by metalia on March 12, 2008
  40. I want to be you!

    BlondeBlogger’s last blog post..Hilarious

    Comment by BlondeBlogger on March 13, 2008
  41. I didn’t look that good in a bikini whan I was 16. You rock!

    Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah’s last blog post..Randomness Part 108

    Comment by Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah on March 13, 2008
  42. […] I was in St. Lucia, getting all drunk and tan, and making all of y’all jealous, i was asked a […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » some words of wisdom and a very important question on May 9, 2008
  43. […] Fat Girl is a methodical, persistent cow.  I doubt Thinner Girl will pose in a bikini, like these fabulous girls, but you never know how brave and proud she might […]

    Pingback by Operation: Fat Girl Smack-Down « Poot and Cubby on July 7, 2008

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