1. in 2009, i WILL drink more water throughout the day and less water right before bed. because every single night, without fail, i say to myself, “self! you haven’t had enough water today! you better start chugging” and let me just tell you…1.5 liters of water before bed? not the best idea, bladder-wise.
2. in 2009, i WILL call my mothers more often. this one will be easy because my stepmom had a really, really, really hard time giving up Indiana (she picked him up from the breeder and kept him for a month for us until we came to get him) and she wants daily updates. seriously, she CRIED when she gave him to the kids. and they were NOT tears of joy. heh.
3. in 2009, i WILL continue my lemming-ish ways (remember when twitter was all abuzz with Twilight and i gave in?) and start the 30-day Shred. i have the DVD, i have the hand-weights, i have the yoga mat. bring it, Jillian Michaels!
4. in 2009, i WILL fill up the gas tank before i’m completely empty and running on fumes…not like last year when i said that i would, but totally didn’t.
5. in 2009, i WILL answer my phone. both my cell phone AND my home phone. i never answer my cell because i can never dig down to the bottom of my purseofcrap quickly enough and i never answer my home phone because i HATE talking on the phone. but this year, friends, you heard it here first. it’s ON! also, i will actually call my friends.
6. in 2009, i WILL teach Isabella to wipe her own ass. 2009 will be the year of only having to wipe one behind…my own!!
7. in 2009, i WILL actually print some digital photos. I’m fairly certain that i haven’t printed a single shot since 2005 (if you are the counting type…that would be FOUR YEARS) When Emily had to bring in a photo of her family to school, i had to send her in with our digital camera. ha. i wish i was joking. speaking of digital cameras, in 2009, i WILL actually buy myself my own big-girl, grown up camera because the pictures? amazing.
8. in 2009, i WILL spend less time on youtube watching random videos, and more time doing more productive things, like actually finishing the YA novel i’ve been working on for a decade. I’m pretty sure this one will never happen, because i cannot pry myself away from youtube. i mean, seriously. i can’t. i mean, it doesn’t get much better then scary Mary Poppins, or Elijah Wood doing the Numa Numa dancy dance, or Tom Cruise getting low low low in Tropic Thunder. (seriously, click this last one. it may have been the best thing i’ve seen all year. also, i apologize for your lack of ability to anything else but dance like Tom Cruise and wonder why the hell his hands are so large…)
9. in 2009, i WILL stop laughing when my son says things like “why yes, i would love some ASS cream” in front of 100 senior citizens at my grandmother’s nursing home. because even though it’s hilariously funny, he’s 6 and probably should not be quoting Austin Powers. (also, in 2009, will unteach the children how to use the television)
10. in 2009, i WILL stop driving around parking lots to find the best spots. could otherwise be said i will stop being so damned lazy.
11. in 2009, i WILL stop shopping at stores like Abercrombie & Fitch. I AM TOO OLD (and have way to much in the way of the belly) to wear jeans with rises that low. and i will stop buying things simply because they are on sale. i will opt for fewer pieces, better quality. say it with me. come on. (also, i will NOT be jealous of my sister’s new Louboutin ankle boots…because, well, *swoon*)
12. in 2009, i WILL declare it the year of the lists. because everyone likes lists.