February 18 13

On Friday morning, fresh from signing the papers on our NEW BAT MITZVAH VENUE, we hopped in the car to drive Emily to Ann Arbor, Michigan for a two-day jaunt. One of her camp friends was having a bat-mitzvah party and we agreed to take her for the weekend. The timing wasn’t the greatest, as we had to miss the annual Yummy Mummy Club trip to Ottawa for Winterlude, and because now that we actually have a new venue we have about eleven million things to make happen between now and March 10th.

But. We hopped into the car anyway.

And I’m glad I did, because I swear to god, you guys, I want to move to Ann Arbor. The AliMartell Syndrome, ahoy!

Apparently there’s a rule that the driver gets to choose the music on road trips because he or she needs to be alert and happy or something. I find this rule to be incredibly unfair because being the driver is easier. When there are children in the back two rows of a minivan, the job of the person sitting shotgun is kind of crappy.

The person sitting shotgun has to: get the snacks, get the drinks, hold the drinks, open the drinks, pick up the fallen drinks, hold the snacks, pick up the fallen snacks, break up the fights, pick up the fallen snacks—again, pass the ipads, break up the fights over the ipads, find the missing markers, pick up the fallen markers.

The driver has to: drive, whilst whistling.

Now I know what you’re asking…Ali, why don’t you just drive then? The answer is simple, really. I’m way too ragey to drive, and we’d likely never get to our destination. It’s better for everyone when I don’t drive. Except for my ears, of course.

So. The husband does the driving. And I do the constant lion-taming and getting-of-things.

And he gets to pick what we listen to.


And on this particular road trip, the pop music of choice was Maroon 5 and Owl City because on Tuesday we are taking a family trip to see them in concert. I AM A GOOD MOM. And, don’t get me wrong. I quite adore Adam Levine, and his lovely backside, but I find most of his music to, well, just not be my jam. And I realize I am in the minority here, since Facebook was super quick to tell me how many Maroon 5 fans are out there.

Anyway, I found my own entertainment. In the form of this little addiction I have. (I’M HORRRIFED, by the by) Candy Crush Saga.

Oh my god, you guys. Addicted is an understatement. Because I am cheap I refuse to pay for anything in this game. Also, I’m incredibly principled.

Not principled enough to not bend the rules a wee bit, though. Because there’s a way to get more lives. THERE’S A WAY TO GET MORE LIVES without begging/annoying/irritating people on Facebook, and without paying an extra cash.

It’s the Candy Crush Time Travel!

Step 1: Womp, womp. You get the notice that you have no more lives. You have two choices. You can a) ask your friends. NYET or b) you can pay $.99 for more lives. DOUBLE NYET. But rest assured, there’s a third option!!



Step 2: Open your phone’s date and time. It’s under settings > general > date & time. Turn Set Automatically off.


Step 3: Set the time a few hours ahead.


Step 4: Immediately open up the Candy Crush app. See your 5 new lives pop up. IMMEDIATELY go back into your date & time settings and turn Set Automatically back on. Your time should only be changed ahead for about a minute. You lose nothing, nothing changes. 


Step 5: Lather, rinse, repeat.

And if you are stuck on level (GAH NOW IT’s 305!) like I am, you will find yourself sitting in a car on the drive home from Ann Arbor taking breaks between looking at Michigan real estate, TIME TRAVELING.


  1. Genius! I can’t wait to time travel!

    Comment by Lydia on February 18, 2013
  2. The fact that I now know how to get more lives may ruin the real one I have. There should be a support group. I am also in awe that you are at level 50, although with a long trip of my own coming up I may catch up soon 🙂

    Comment by Erin on February 18, 2013
  3. I refuse to download that game. Even my brother, who isn’t even on FB, is like “don’t do it.”

    Comment by Kristabella on February 18, 2013
  4. The phone trick doesn’t work for me, which makes me sad. BUT, it does give me time to actually get up off of the couch, clean and like, pay attention to my kids and stuff.

    So I guess that’s a good thing?

    Comment by Meghan on February 18, 2013
  5. Erm. I don’t get why it doesn’t work for you? That’s so weird.

    I forced myself to only play on my phone…and only really play when I’m riding shotgun in the car and after the kids are in bed. Heh.

    I hope I finish this damn game soon.

    Comment by ali on February 18, 2013
  6. I sooooo needed this cheat a few days ago. I never would have thought of it. You are an evil genius.

    I’m stuck on 33 on my phone/FB and 34 on my iPad which I won’t connect to FB because hi more lives!!! I flat out refuse to pay for anything though.

    Comment by Issa on February 18, 2013
  7. It’s a good rule too! Of course there has to be some boundaries, but the driver gets all veto power over the stuff getter. If you get all ragey while driving, perhaps you need new driving tunes! Seriously, delegate some of that stuff to a back seat commander or something. haha

    Somewhere there is a game developer that cannot afford to feed his family because you cheated the income stream for his work on Candy Crush! It’s bad enough the guy has to put Candy Crush on his resume and now you steal from him. I’m kidding, I hate games that rely so heavily on in-app purchases. It takes away from the quality of the game in my opinion. Charge me for the game itself and stand on the merit of quality to attract more customers, it worked well for Angry Birds. Although the next release will certainly fix that bug now that your blog has exposed it. 😉

    Comment by Hockeymandad on February 18, 2013
  8. Well tell me how you really feel…

    Comment by ali on February 18, 2013
  9. Haha, well if I’m driving don’t touch my playlist!

    Comment by Hockeymandad on February 18, 2013
  10. What if you are on a ten-hour road trip? You still get to listen to what you want the entire time?

    That totally isn’t fair.

    I think he should get to choose part of the time and I should get to choose part of the time. HHRMPH.

    Comment by alimartell on February 18, 2013
  11. I wrote about candy crush today too. It’s a disease. Also, how did you pass level 35?

    Comment by Jodifur on February 18, 2013
  12. The only way I can pass any level is by getting the “special” candies beside each other. Otherwise…screwed.

    Comment by alimartell on February 18, 2013
  13. 1) The best rule we actually came up with is: use person X’s iPod, set on shuffle & person Y can veto any song. That way everyone is happy!

    2) There is exactly no getting the snacks, getting the drinks, holding the drinks, opening the drinks, picking up the fallen drinks, holding the snacks, picking up the fallen snacks, breaking up the fights, picking up the fallen snacks—again, passing the ipads, breaking up the fights over the ipads, finding the missing markers, or picking up the fallen markers when it’s just Emily. 🙂

    Comment by Gav on February 18, 2013
  14. I am beyond obsessed with this game so the timing of reading this could not be better! Thanks for the tip. It’s 10:15, I’m at work with tons to do but I just finished squeezing in a game (or 5, can’t say). It is sickening my addiction to this game but I refuse to spend a dime on it.

    Comment by Maria on February 19, 2013
  15. I have that syndrome too! I wanted to move to Toronto after visiting the city. And a bunch of other places over the course of this past year.

    Comment by Katie on February 19, 2013
  16. Help I’m stuck on level 98 and I tried your cheat but when I put the time back I just had to wait the whole 2hrs for even 1 life because it counted it 🙁 been on 98 for over a week now and it’s driving me nuts!!!

    Comment by Helem on February 22, 2013
  17. I’m not sure why it doesn’t work for some people. I’m still using the cheat a few times a day. Are you making sure to go into the game to get your full lives before switching the time back? And are you making sure to set the clock about 4-5 hours ahead?

    Comment by ali on February 22, 2013
  18. Have always used the lives but only did 2hrs so will try again with 5 but really hoping it works and I wont have to wait 5hrs for 1 life after lol!! Fingers crossed! 🙂

    Comment by Helem on February 22, 2013
  19. The cheat is awesome, but now when I’m in “real” time the game says I have 1,018 minutes until my next life is available. WTF?

    Comment by Greis on February 25, 2013
  20. I will never ever be productive at work ever again.

    Comment by Maggie on May 15, 2013
  21. Yup. It’s why I’m currently trying to beat level 272 OMG.

    Comment by ali on May 15, 2013
  22. How can we get the time between life’s to be 30 minutes again once we have changed it? I have tried everything short of uninstalling the app. If I knew it would mess up the minutes between life’s I would have never tried the trick.

    Comment by Chris Tidwell on May 24, 2013
  23. I actually not sure what you mean.

    If you go in and change the time ahead.
    then immediately go into candy crush.
    then see your 5 lives pop up
    then immediately go back into your settings and change the time back to automatic.
    then go back into candy crush…it’s like it never happened, and you have five extra lives.

    Comment by ali on May 24, 2013
  24. […] Candy Crush. […]

    Pingback by I Can’t Help Loving You | Cheaper Than Therapy on August 1, 2013
  25. […] What’s my secret, you ask? Well, if I do say so myself, I am really great at matching coloured candies and finding striped and wrapped candy combos and clearing all the jelly and keeping the growing chocolate at bay. I am also really good at the Candy Crush time travel cheat. […]

    Pingback by Celebrating Important Milestones Around Here—I Hope There’s, Uh, Candy | Cheaper Than Therapy on August 23, 2013
  26. […] Take the money you’d spend on an extra few moves in on that Candy Crush board that you just.can’t.pass. and use the free time travel trick instead. […]

    Pingback by Raise Your Voice For Women Who Raise Theirs {Sponsored} | Cheaper Than Therapy on December 5, 2013

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