no one wants to be THAT mom. the mom of the kid who won’t go into gymnastics class because she won’t stop crying. the mom of the kid who bullies all the other kids on the ice. the mom of the kid who scores on the wrong net on the soccer field. or the mom of the kid who needs to be removed from the pool because he refuses to get his tiny little tushie in the water. the mom who turns red because all the other moms are looking at her with the i’m-so-glad-it’s-not-my-kid expression, which is sometimes a very nice “oh honey, i’ve been there” or sometimes very smug, Simpsons-esque “heh-heh”
guess who got to be THAT mom yesterday??
oh yes. that would be my Josh right there. the big ole’ baby. that’s the kid who i can’t REMOVE from Jack and Ilana’s pool in the summer. the kid who cries when we can’t go to the water park at Canada’s Wonderland. sure, he’s not the swim-like-a-fish type like both of his sisters, but he loves the water.
but still…he sceamed the pool down. and scared the pants off Bertina, the poor deck girl.
(also? i was the mom who got told she wasn’t allowed to use her camera. boo you, Bertina!)
(also? i was the mom who didn’t realize that the showers were motion-censored and walked right past an entire WALL of showers that all went on, one at a time, filling my purse with water, and soaking my ass)
(also? i was the mom taking pictures of herself in the change room making sure that her camera didn’t get soaked in Showergate ’08)
(it didn’t. camera = totally dry and fine. the contents of my purse = not so lucky)
(also? i realize i wear that Lucky hoodie/lululemon yoga pants combo every single day. exhibit A. exhibit B. exhibit C. i’m okay with this. you should be too)
anyway, turns out that the class was just too hard for him. so, we pulled some strings and moved him down a level (and by pulled some strings, i mean that the lovely lady – who will be getting herself a starbucks gift card – behind the counter kicked a kid off the waiting list to get Josh into the class), into the 9:30 class. and he was fine. 100% fine. he jumped in the water. he swam. he listened. i even think i may have seen him SMILE.
oh, parenting sure is fun, eh? 😉
(tomorrow you get to see how fun parenting is when your kids force you to use a hula hoop AND a skip-it.)