Well, Survivor’s gone and jumped the ole’ shark for me, folks. I’ll probably keep watching, because that’s what i do. i watch anyway, even though it sucks. you know why i’m so not loving this season? there’s not a single survivor that i care whether or not there are there. and there’s no eye candy. seriously, where are all my abercrombie models? there are usually at least 3 or 4 each season. Jeff Probst, you’ve really disappointed me. i miss Ozzy and Yul.
so, yesterday i went downtown to Reading For the Love of It. it’s mostly for teachers, but [insert company name here] had a booth and let us all go down for one day of sessions. i spent the day with Lucia and Tara…and we had a great time. until we realized there was someone following us…
it was early in the morning when i got there. we had already missed the first session because it took over 2 hours to get there. stop and go traffic all the way down (which, when you’re driving stick…really sucks balls. i thought my left leg was going to fall off). naturally, there was no time for coffee.
i see this man walking around with starbucks. he sees me eyeing and says “sorry, i don’t have one for you” okay, fine. slightly embarrassing since some stranger just saw me drooling over coffee.
after the first session he sees us again and says “sorry, still no coffee. maybe later” whatever. i don’t think much of it.
until he shows up again. now, let me explain that this conference had hundreds and hundreds of people there. it was bizarre that he kept popping up. but this time he was just looking at us. then, as we are fumbling with the map, trying to find where the next session was…out of nowhere, he pops up behind me and says, “do you need some help?”
and then when we went to the next session…he showed up in there. random? i think not. creepy? hell yes.
who are they trying to kid? there is no freakin’ way that this is Jayden James Federline. the bunting is PINK. who are they trying to kid?? i’m actually thinking that looks an awful lot like Isabella…big ears, button nose, no hair… (as Ali looks over her shoulder to make sure there’s no paparazzi…)
Grey’s Anatomy
~i believe that it’s bad that i wanted to take that little blond girl and give her a good shake. talk, damnit!
~I beleive that Meredith sees dead people. ah! it’s coach taylor. i guess if they MUST throw dead denny in there (you knew it was coming as soon as Izzy said that he was always with her…) adding a little Kyle Chandler helps!!
~I believe that Derek is her night in shining whatever…since it’s now twice he’s pulled her out of the water…i actually thought Patrick Dempsey’s acting was superb (i can’t believe i just used the word superb!). he was awesome. in the ambulance, when he had to be kicked out of the room, when he told Burke to go in there.
~i believe that i liked almost everything about this episode…except for Izzy’s smackdown of George and Callie. WTF? was that really necessary?!! seriously? i love how she can turn Meredith’s dying into something that’s all about Izzy.
~McSteamy consoling McDreamy. swoon!
~I believe Meredith should have some sort of brain damage, no? how many minutes under water and how many minutes on the table?? my willing suspension of disbelief onlygoes so far…
~I believe I loved Cristina in this episode. loved her. the she’s my person rant…and the hug with Izzy in the end. perfection.
~I believe that Alex made me squee just a wee bit when he said that he’d notice is Addison was gone. aw. and the pictures? he’s awesome.
~I believe i will be talking like this for the rest of the day. seriously.