“My head hurts so bad I can’t go to school today.”
“Okay Peggy Ann McKay, you’re going. I have a headache every day and I still go to work. You probably just need to drink more.”
“But my stomach hurts too. And I think I’m going to barf. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’m going to barf.”
“Okay, Roo, back to bed with you. We don’t send barfy girls to school. I’ll bring you a garbage can, some towels, and a glass of water. Let me know if you need anything. I love you. I’m sorry you feel icky.”
“I’m hungry.”
“Okay, well, I will bring you some crackers. Don’t eat too, too many.”
“Can I use the ipad?”
“Well, if you feel barfy, you probably shouldn’t watch screens.”
“PLEASE? I promise not to barf on it and ruin it. AND then you can work.”
“Well, okkkkkkkkay. But put it down if it makes you feel nauseated.”
“I’m still hungry. Can I have a cookie?”
“No! We need to only give you something plain and bland for your tum.”
“But, that’s not delicious.”
“Isabella, eat your crackers. But not to many!”
“I’m bored.”
It’s 10:10am.
It’s going to be a really long “sick day.”
I’m on to you, Martell.