The rumors are true.
{You can stop whispering now.}
Yes. I have officially stepped down from my position as Editor-In-Chief of Yummymummyclub. There’s no drama involved, there’s no sordid story here. Erica and I are calling this bittersweet, because it is. I will no longer be the editor of a site I have been an instrumental part of for the last three years — this is the bitter part. There are things I want to do {for myself} and things I need to do {for my family} and by stepping down from a very busy and challenging job I will be able to do them or at least pursue them— this is the sweet part.
And of course, since I bleed YMC-colored blood, I will still be blogging over there and I will still stay on in an editorial capacity of some sort. Another sweet part.
I mentioned recently that things have been…bubbling. So after many long and late insomnia-filled nights of The Jeffersons and soul searching this summer
(Where the magic happens)
on Yom Kippur I took the (fitting, I thought) opportunity to make some big decisions about life — Life Decisions, if you will.
And this one was right at the top.
There are some other big life decisions to discuss soon (VAGUEBLOGGING, ftw) but for now I’m busy looking for some freelance work. If you know anyone who needs writing, editing, design, photography, blogging, marketing, or social media help, I’m unemployed and looking. I fancy myself an Ali Of All Trades. And I might even take compensation in pie.*
And if you know someone who might make a great Senior Web Editor, I know a good company that’s hiring. Tell ’em I sent you.
*I was kidding about the pie. Unless it’s really, really delicious pie.