Creepy twins.
Gefilte fish.
Talking toys.
Oceans. Lakes. Bodies of water when I can’t see the bottom.
Public bathrooms.
Going bald.
Falling asleep on public transit.
The Giving Tree.
That episode of Saved by the Bell where Jessie gets addicted to drugs and is all I’M SO EXCITED!
Benjamin Linus.
Long fingernails.
Raw chicken.
Ventriloquist dummies.
Having my achilles heel cut by someone hiding under the bed.
Pool drains.
Phone calls from my children’s school.
Toddlers & Tiaras.
My babies moving out of the house.
Showering when no one is home.
That really weird boat scene in Willy Wonka. The original, of course.
Ranty homeless people.
When people are whispering near me.
The old people in Cocoon.
Boats. Ferries. Cruise Ships. Canoes. Those damn floating swans at theme parks.
Varicose veins.
Outbreak. Contagion. Overall plague and epidemics.
The girl who crawls out of the TV in The Ring. Related: static on TVs.
Vomit of any kind.