February 2 08

the husband might have a broken bone in his wrist. so, he is at the hospital getting x-rayed. or waiting to get x-rayed at least. and this is what his wife is doing

because, she is, by far, the best fucking wife in the world.

also…the hottest.

because not since Cousin Eddie has anyone rocked a fur ear-flapped hat quite like she can

*i decided against the white bathrobe. i didn’t want to scare the neighbors.

  1. You rock!

    m&co’s last blog post..An Allergy Recipe Magazine?

    Comment by m&co on February 2, 2008
  2. I gotta tell you, I’d of loved to seen you in that bathrobe.

    Comment by girl on February 2, 2008
  3. LOL! You certainly do rock! I’d be out there for HOURS if I had to shovel, we have a 7 car driveway (but sadly, only two cars).

    Mom On The Run’s last blog post..It’s Give-A-Way Time!

    Comment by Mom On The Run on February 2, 2008
  4. oh, thx for the giggle…

    Holly’s last blog post..What’s in Your Bucket?

    Comment by Holly on February 2, 2008
  5. OK… four comments go by and everyone’s talking about your fashion sense!

    I, for one, hope that Gabe doesn’t actually have a broken wrist, and that he gets better soon.

    SciFi Dad’s last blog post..TWS: Ooh Ooh Oooh…

    Comment by SciFi Dad on February 2, 2008
  6. Yes, THE BEST.


    She should also get herself to RW&Co. because HOLY SALES BATMAN!

    (Hope your hubby is OK)

    Angella’s last blog post..The Reason I Now Watermark My Photos

    Comment by Angella on February 2, 2008
  7. get yourself a snowblower girl!!!
    you live in Canada for cripes sake!!!

    Comment by Christine on February 3, 2008
  8. Where is your beer?

    Sarah, Goon Squad Sa’s last blog post..Six More Random Questions for You

    Comment by Sarah, Goon Squad Sa on February 3, 2008
  9. You do look lovely for a lady shoveling the driveway.

    Jenn’s last blog post..Update and Some Great Pictures

    Comment by Jenn on February 3, 2008
  10. You are the Hostess with the Mostest.

    Aimee Greeblemonkey’s last blog post..February Greeblemix

    Comment by Aimee Greeblemonkey on February 3, 2008
  11. I am a wimp, and I live in a place where it hasn’t snowed like that in 15 years…so I probably wouldn’t even leave me house for a week if it did. haha. I’m also pretty sure my town would be on lockdown.

    amanda’s last blog post..Scrolling Saturday: Oodles of Caboodles

    Comment by amanda on February 3, 2008
  12. You are so right, you rock that hat! And sorry to hear about your hubby! He has a great “f”ing wife!!!

    Comment by krissy on February 3, 2008
  13. Also? Shovelling in a robe this time of year can lead to frostbite. You’re a good wife.
    I hope your husband is feeling less broken today.

    Comment by Rebecca on February 3, 2008
  14. Good for you! I tried shovelling snow last weekend and I couldn’t even find the snow shovel — so I made a snowman instead. I’m lame that way! hee, hee.

    Hope hubby’s wrist is okay.

    Carrie’s last blog post..Heavy Thinker

    Comment by Carrie on February 3, 2008
  15. you definitely rock the ear flaps. hope the huz is ok so he can do the damn shovelling 😉

    kgirl’s last blog post..Play Along!

    Comment by kgirl on February 3, 2008
  16. If it were me? I probably would have been anxiously awaiting his return from the hospital…if it were broken, then I MIGHT pick up a shovel and don the ear flaps. That is a LIE. I would probably just wait until it melted.
    Hope the wrist isn’t broke. I would hate for you to have to shovel again!

    Comment by jodi on February 3, 2008
  17. Aww – come on – why not give the neighbors something to talk about?!

    Don Mills Diva’s last blog post..What could be simpler?

    Comment by Don Mills Diva on February 3, 2008
  18. so, me, I’m calculating .. 7 weeks t’il your vacation right? 6 wks to heal a fracture. bingo! Hope he is ok though!
    Actually, the first thing I thought when I first saw this post was ..oooo la la .. Ali is SOOO fashionable 🙂

    Comment by sarah on February 3, 2008
  19. Oh dear…I hope the hubby is ok!!!

    Multi-tasking Mommy’s last blog post..PBN Blog Blast: Healthy Living: The Perennial Resolution

    Comment by Multi-tasking Mommy on February 3, 2008
  20. We didn’t get ANY of that show. Our entire town shut down and we got like, a few flakes and some rain.

    So…what’s up with the huz?

    mamatulip’s last blog post..Triumph

    Comment by mamatulip on February 4, 2008
  21. Aren’t you just the cutest snow shoveller every! And I imagine you got a kick ass workout doing that… consider it prep for the cake on Sunday.

    jasmine’s last blog post..Company perks

    Comment by jasmine on February 4, 2008
  22. Awesome wife is right. Love the hat!

    Maria’s last blog post..10 For Tuesday

    Comment by Maria on February 5, 2008
  23. […] #1: remember all the mocking shovelling i did when the husband was having wrist issues? well, it seems that karma and i are in a fight right […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » It’s the Monday Boo/Yay Game!! on February 11, 2008

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