So…last year I wrote this post.
I posted a picture of desserts and then discussed them:
Pumpkin pie. Carnegie Deli cheesecake. White chocolate mousse cake. Coconut cake. Key lime pie.
Not pictured: Homemade Reese’s cups. Homemade shortbread cookie amputees. (It was a sad state of affairs really. Who in the heck put me in charge of making these cookies out of sugar and butter? Did they really think they would come out in one piece?) Homemade chocolate chip cookies. M&Ms. Homemade chocolate pastries. Homemade sugar cookies. Pound cake.
This year we can lather, rinse and repeat, only replace coconut cake with mini red velvet cupcakes. And replace cookie amputees for homemade shortbread S’mores and Cake Pop amputees.
I wrote about all the awesome things happening:
There are so many lovely things about this time of year. Getting to spend time with my brother and my sister in law and HOORAY FOR ALL COUSIN TIME complete with playing dolls and watching movies and nail painting and fashion shows and hip hop dance routines and theme songs and communal baths! Getting to be in the US to reap all the benefits of both pre-Christmas and post-Christmas sales. Getting to watch my children’s faces as they open up their new toys and games and clothes and omg Isabella’s face when she opened up her brown cowboy boots. Getting to open my own gifts (Paige jeans and 7 jeans and J.Crew sweaters and an 85mm prime lens and new pjs oh my!) and getting to play new board games with my siblings and drinking expensive wines and escaping the dead of winter and, of course, Target.
This year we can lather, rinse and repeat, only replace 7 jeans with Husdon jeans and J.Crew sweaters with Anthropologie sweaters and replace prime lenses with photo backdrops.
I wrote about the lack of willpower and the SAUSAGE and deciding not to eat dessert:
So. Here it is. There will be no more dessert. I have eaten my last piece of pumpkin pie. My last just-one-little-bite of key lime pie. My last cookie. My last M&M. Done. And done.
This year we can lather, rinse and repeat, only replace no more dessert with LOTS AND LOTS OF DESSERT.
Because what on earth was I thinking?
Dessert is delicious.
Bring it on!
Who needs to fit into new jeans when I can wear yoga pants FOREVER? (Note to self: next year put Lululemons instead of skinny jeans on Chrismukah wish list…)
Here’s to more yoga pants in 2012!