nothing quite like my thursdays…leave work at 3:30, pick up carpool from school, drop Emily at Vibe for hip hop, pick up Josh from basketball, drop Josh at home, pick up Emily from Vibe, drop of her friend Sydney, pick up her post-vibe treat (donut) and my post-vibe treat (dinner donut)…
and in the midst of all this i had to hear this..
“mommy…do you think you could download that One Republic song for me? i puffy pink heart it.”
…from my not-yet seven year old.
and this…
“mommy…i don’t want you to put me to bed. i only like Haydee.”
…from my 2-year-old.
now…i want you to guess which of these two statements disturbed me more..(and i know that multi-tasking mommy knows the answer to this…since she posted about something similar earlier this week)
i’ll give you a hint…it’s not the second one!
don’t look at me like that. sure, something like that stings..but miss bella rose (what she’s calling herself these days) is a total mama’s girl. total. i’m the one she calls for in the morning. i’m the one she wants to take her to bathroom. to snuggle with. to cuddle with. to hang with. we are best friends, she and i.
except on thursdays. in the words of Zoey 101 and her friends….on thursday i get rejected.
it’s okay, though, because on Friday mornings we are back to being best friends again..
now if only she wanted to discuss last night’s LOST episode and perhaps knew when Ben was off the island…because, HELLO!, i now have 1,000 more questions…