September 15 08

while, yes, at some point today there WILL be a ballet picture of littleAli and littleAli’sonlyslightlybiggersisterlittleCharna, it won’t be until this evening, because i am at work and have no access to the baby Ali files.


okay…here you go!

DSC_6661 by you.

porsche hoodie. tutu.

you can see more here.

and i would have done it last night…but this is how i spent my evening:


it poured. POURED. on us at baseball. our more dedicated than i teammates pushed to get at least 5 innings in so we could call it an official game. what? but i stuck it out, shivering and blind (had to take my glasses off because i could see nothing) and actually hit better than i’ve hit, well, EVER. OVER the second baseman’s head! i know, right?!?!?

it’s weird…me and baseball.

i am the kind of person who only likes to do things i can do REALLY well. i passed this horrible, embarrassing trait onto my daughter Emily, who has zero patience for her Hebrew homework because she’s not perfect at it.

i’m not an if at first you don’t succeed try, try again person. oh no. i’m an if at first you don’t succeed, move your ass onto something else. mediocre is kind of the same as being, well, bad. i’d rather not do it at all. i’ll give you a perfect example. i don’t dance. i won’t dance. because i’m only an OKAY dancer. and i don’t like to be just okay.

i mean, of course, there are moments when i’m forced to dance. please note: i was under the influence of copious amounts of alcohol before this nauseating picture was taken. also please note: i will NEVER wear a white brassiere underneath that dress again. BAD IDEA.

but baseball? i’m a fairly AVERAGE player. i can’t even tell you how much it KILLS me to say that. i’m a fairly average player who can hit the ball…usually to the shortstop and i usually get out at first base because i can rarely outrun the shortstop’s throw to the base. i can field the ball, sometimes. you probably have a 50/50 chance with that when i’m playing second base. i stand out in the field and i sing. out loud. the last few weeks it’s been No Rain by Blind Melon. and it started because i was praying that we’d stay dry -for once AND because we were playing a team with yellow and black jerseys.

i’m a fairly average player who plays in TWO GAMES. oh yes.

and yet i still play. i show up. i play in the freaking rain. i bring enthusiasm. and cookies. and occasionally i bring beer. but i still play. even though i’m only OKAY.

that, friends, is the face of DEDICATION. if you are so inclined, while you are waiting for me to post my ballet photos, you can check out the rest of my baseball set on flickr)

ps. something else i do that i’m only fairly good at? PHOTOGRAPHY. but Isabella thinks i should stick it out.

  1. Who needs to know how to dance when you are so pretty, have awesome hair and great boobs? Guys try to pick you up anyway.

    Heathers last blog post..How a Farting Gapmom Clears the Room in 6.5 Seconds

    Comment by Heather on September 15, 2008
  2. I am a jack of all, master of none. I only dance when in my house or in my car (but not at red lights, because I don’t want any other drivers to see me!), when I am writing something, if I think it sucks, I erase the entire thing, not just the suckiest part. However, I suck most at sports. When I played softball in middle school, I’d hide in the school restroom during practices. How I gave birth to kids with athletic ability freaks me the heck out!

    differentkindofgirls last blog kids’ mom has got it goin’ on. apparently.

    Comment by differentkindofgirl on September 15, 2008
  3. I am mediocre at best when it comes to baseball, so I’d rather skip it.

    That photo of Isabella is adorable – I love the pout!

    Comment by Angella on September 15, 2008
  4. At least it was only rain and not snow.

    Captain Dumbasss last blog post..Got Ink?

    Comment by Captain Dumbass on September 15, 2008
  5. Ali you are good at lots of things i bet!

    Comment by LAVENDULA on September 15, 2008
  6. Yep, definitely a great rack!

    Comment by gorillabuns on September 15, 2008
  7. I, too, will not engage in something in which I am not at least perfect =) I also suck at dancing!

    Isabella’s hair is getting so long!

    Comment by Camels & Chocolate on September 15, 2008
  8. Good for your for your perseverance!

    Man, it was windy here last night!

    Teena in Torontos last blog post..Manic Monday

    Comment by Teena in Toronto on September 15, 2008
  9. Word.

    If I’m not good at it, count me out.

    Undomestic Divas last blog post..A Winner!

    Comment by Undomestic Diva on September 15, 2008
  10. Not only do I not do things unless I can do them perfectly, but once I have perfected said activities I must move on to something else. It means I’ve spent a lot of money on many different hobbies just to master them and quit. It’s really quite the annoying trait. My 5yo has inherited this trait and it has manifested itself in that he is unwilling to show me anything until he can do it perfectly. He is so ‘me’ that I have a feeling we’ve got a long road ahead of us.

    Comment by AJ on September 15, 2008
  11. Okay, I really don’t think Chris DeBurgh was envisioning you when he penned “The Lady In Red” (hehe). That is a scary pic!!! (j/k my friend)
    I do however love the pic of three of my fav. baseball people. You, Fi, and wifey Wendy (over Fi’s shoulder).
    Once again you are far too modest about your baseball abilities. YOU ARE FAST ON THOSE BASE PADS!!!!
    And don’t forget you went 5 for 5 against the Purple team last year.

    Comment by Green 75 on September 15, 2008
  12. Love the if at first you don’t succeed parable.

    and- love the ‘white man’s overbite’ in the dancing picture.

    practice now for those Bat Mitzvah photos!

    Comment by swirl girl on September 15, 2008
  13. HA! you’re doing the white man’s overbite in that dancing shot!

    Comment by Becca on September 15, 2008
  14. I had to stop and wonder whether or not I only like doing things I’m good at… and happily for me, the answer is no, since I’m only good at a handful of things.

    Becks last blog post..Monday

    Comment by Beck on September 15, 2008
  15. Wet Ali? Rawr baby! HAHA. I’m not like you. I do things whether or not I’m good at them. Makes for good blog fodder.

    Misss last blog post..For a good time call…

    Comment by Miss on September 15, 2008
  16. I totally agree, it isn’t fun for me if I am not instantly good at it-mediocrity is boring

    Sensibly Sassys last blog post..Some Me Time

    Comment by Sensibly Sassy on September 15, 2008
  17. Woah! Baseball? Or softball? Because I don’t really recommend playing hardball while drinking beer!

    Mikes last blog post..How Things Change!

    Comment by Mike on September 15, 2008
  18. I too hate doing something if I’m not going to be good at it. Like baseball – I have the worst hand eye coordination that I can’t even THINK about playing baseball – so I applaud your not perfectness in the name of fun!

    Comment by Emily on September 15, 2008
  19. What a bummer the rain was this weekend! It rained, and rained, and rained…

    Nap Wardens last blog post..Monsters

    Comment by Nap Warden on September 15, 2008
  20. ????????? ??? ????????. ????? ?? blog.

    Comment by leonidiogl on September 15, 2008
  21. You’re gorgeous! Love all the photos. You wild woman you!

    Rheas last blog post..Black Hockey Jesus

    Comment by Rhea on September 15, 2008
  22. The second pic looks like you were captured and waterboarded or haad undergone “enhanced interrogation techniques”! I love the white-gal overbite in the dancing one. (you have great hair) Also, my little girl has the same Old Navy striped shirt!

    jenboglasss last blog post..The Friday Five (Belated and with Interest)

    Comment by jenboglass on September 15, 2008
  23. Wow. That’s me all over. Don’t like to do what I’m not great at, either.

    And those are some awesome photos of little girl you. MUST get my scanner moving on our old shots. These are great. 🙂

    Comment by Keri on September 15, 2008
  24. I am also not down with mediocrity. If I’m not good at it, I don’t want any part of it. But what I AM down with is the Blind Melon girl. Also, have you ever seen BioDome? For some reason, I love that movie.

    Comment by Shamelessly Sassy on September 15, 2008
  25. I’m the same as you, if I’m not good at something I quit. Except softball, I was really good at softball, I just quit because I was burned out. Anyway, I have a feeling Maddie is going to end up like you, me, and Em, because she already gets frustrated with things. It’s going to be AWESOME trying to parent a kid like me.

    heather…s last blog post..Corso vs. Spohr

    Comment by heather... on September 15, 2008
  26. OK, your photo in the tutu made me cry. Is it the port? is it the Kathleen Battle? Am I PMS’ing? I don’t know. But I do know those photos are the sweetest.
    Secondly, I love love love softball. I played for two years in the company softball team. I went to every single game – except one when I threw my back out. Crap I miss it. I am pretty good at everything except hitting. When I connect, I hit well, except that I only connect maybe 1 out of 10 times. I even got the ultimate compliment. “Hey – you throw like a guy!” uh-huh.

    monstergirlees last blog post..greeblepix – second entry – Herself in a Soccer Field

    Comment by monstergirlee on September 16, 2008
  27. That’s why I always drink a lot of alcohol. I’m good at that. Really good at it!

    Kristabellas last blog post..Drunken Birthday Extravaganza

    Comment by Kristabella on September 17, 2008

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