January 29 19

I pulled up to the Starbucks drive-thru this afternoon. When my husband spent roughly an hour this morning digging my car out from under many, many centimeters of snow {that’s a thing, by the way, that happens when you move to Canada. You begin measuring snow in centimeters instead of…

January 10 19

It took until Day 3 of Ali Goes Back To Work Full Time for us to have our first meltdown. Now, I’m not at liberty to disclose who had the meltdown, and not just because it may have been me, {Narrator: It wasn’t} but since my prediction was that this…

December 24 18

In 1997, during my gap year in Israel before it was called a gap year, I planted a tree in Israel. We will circle back to this, I promise.   When I decided to start seriously looking for a job a few months ago, I really hoped for two things…