Everything was fine.
I was taking this whole having-a-teenager thing in stride, getting through every day waiting for the other shoe to drop. She’s been awesome, I whisper to myself in blissful surprise. She still likes me! I don’t embarrass her (unless I’m singing, which to be fair, embarrasses even me)! She hugs me and shares stories! We are winning at this teenage thing — we got this.
And then.
And then something happens that changes everything, that makes me rethink everything I thought and everything I know. It makes me question all of my cool and calm mama parenting practices, and makes me worry about all future decisions.
The show has dropped, you all.
Where did I go wrong? What have I done to deserve this? What To Expect During The Teen Years didn’t prepare me at all for this! Today’s Parent and Canadian Family and Babble and all of the other parenting platforms out there didn’t even cover this one. Kelly Ripa hasn’t talked about this.
Cell phones, leggings as pants, drama, leg shaving, second ear piercing, crop tops, 8th grade math homework. I fancy myself somewhat of an expert, gifting myself at times with Good Parenting sashes and tiaras (and I even know not to wear them when her friends are around).
I’m all alone on this one, lost.
Has this travesty sunk in yet? She doesn’t like it. I didn’t raise this child to not like Gilmore Girls.
Gilmore Girls is the reason I prayed that my first-born child would be a book-loving, witty-tongued girlchild. Sure, I told everyone that I didn’t care as long as said baby was healthy, and yet, I silently hoped and dreamed that she would be a Gilmore Girl.
She loves books.
She’s quick-witted.
And yet. She couldn’t care less about Rory Gilmore.
(I found this image here.)
I think she needs an intervention. Who’s in?