One day I’d like to learn to say hello in 50 languages. One day I’d like to walk the red carpet at the Oscars with Emily. One day I’d like to learn to use a sewing machine. One day I’d like to ride an elephant. One day I’d like to see my ab muscles. One day I’d like to own a really, really expensive pair of shoes. One day I’d like my little site here to make it onto a LIST. One day I’d like to sit through a pedicure and actually enjoy it. One day I’d like to watch a meteor shower. One day I’d like to learn to golf. One day I’d like to watch every Academy Award winning best picture.
One day I’d like to stand on the field at Lambeau Field. One day I’d like to play the piano again. One day I’d like to learn web design. One day I’d like to have a pixie cut and OWN it. One day I’d like to watch a Space Shuttle launch. One day I’d like to own an old school (1960s) Alfa Romeo. One day I’d like to take a yoga class. One day I’d like participate in a real Civil War reenactment. One day I’d like to take the difficult trip to see Auschwitz. One day I’d like to sit on a jury. One day I’d like to sleep in a castle.
One day I’d like to get a tattoo. One day I’d like to publish a book that people want to read. One day I’d like to own a perfect-fitting bra. One day I’d like to visit the Cotswolds in England. One day I’d like to be a contestant on a game show. One day I’d like to dance in public. One day I’d like to go back to school. One day I’d like to attend a royal wedding. One day I’d like to tan on Anguilla. One day I’d like to watch turtles hatch.
One day I’d like to be at both the Cannes and Sundance film festivals. One day I’d like to attend the Groundhog Day ceremonies in Punxsutawney. One day I’d like to drink Guinness in Ireland. One day I’d like to shoot with really, really great camera equipment. One day I’d like to make pasta from scratch. One day I’d like to have a menu item named after me. One day I’d like to learn to appreciate wine. One day I’d like to see Italy.
But today?
Today I will be me.
I might take a shower. I might put some makeup on. I might fold some laundry. I might have some coffee. I might watch America’s Next Top Model while I work on an editorial calendar. I might worry about tuition payments. I might google terry bathrobes. I might eat cereal for lunch. I might do lots of homework with the kids. I might listen to Isabella read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.
It might not be a bucket list worthy day, but it’s pretty darn good from where I’m sitting.