Once upon a time I was a girl who had bangs.
Once upon a time, I was a girl whose bangs were mostly cute.
(Yes. I also wore a Porsche hoodie with a tutu skirt. LIKE YOU NEVER.)
And then, well, once upon a time I became an awkward teenager.
Once upon a time, I was a girl who had bangs again. Bangs that I cut myself. (Oh Ali. Just. No.)
Once upon a time, I was a girl whose bangs were not even a little bit cute.
I will never live down 1995. (I will also never be able to apologize enough to these three lovely ladies who get their 1995 put up on the internet either.)
“You do not have the face for bangs.” They said.
“Bangs are not a good look for you. They will never be.” They said.
“Round faces can’t do bangs.” They said.
Well, screw THEM.
Once again, I am a girl who has bangs.
If the FLOTUS can do it, so can I.