Rainy sundays are tough. no wonderland. no park. no swimming at Jack and Ilana’s. it’s hard on the kids and it’s hard on us.
sunday morning started with a mini-mother’s day of sorts (no, i didn’t get a sleep-in) – the husband took Josh and Bella grocery shopping while i took Emily to ballet. i dropped her off, beelined to starbucks and sat there, with the book i’m reading and my latte, and sat and read and people-watched for an hour. ah, bliss.
and then we did the unthinkable. Yorkdale. on a sunday. in the rain. i think the freedom of the morning went to my head or something. what were we thinking? it was packed. the kids were crazy. but…they did make a fantastic window display for American Eagle. (this was right before they kicked us out…kidding…sort of)
and then we had friends over for a bbq. 8 adults. plus 10 kids running around. it was chaos…because we couldn’t go outside…but it was still really nice.
and then, finally, the kids went to bed….and we went out, for my birthday, again. actually…it really wasn’t for my birthday, but i’ve been wantingรโรย to go bowling for about 6 months now (what? i’m from the midwest. that’s what we do….bowl and drink beer and eat cheese). i’m only a fair bowler. i usually hover around 100. sometimes a little less. sometimes a little more.
of course, i had my camera out the entire night. normally, i would have been holding Jadyn…but i didn’t really want to infect her with my bowling hands. ew.
we are total tourists:
and then, because Tova can’t drive by Demetres and NOT go in…we had to make an 11pm pit stop. so, of course, we told them it was her birthday (even though we are still supposed to be celebrating mine…ahem…)
come on over and see me at Fabulous today. My husband. he did good. ๐