So. For the most part, Indiana The Underpants-Eating Shih-Tzu has stopped eating underpants. You would have thought he would have learned his lesson after his first surgery. Or even after his second. But alas, Indy was out the day they handed out the dog brains. Or, he was just napping, lazy thing that he is. But, it seems that all he needed was to move to Canada to learn that undergarments are for wearing, not for consumption. For real, you guys. He has been so good. He eats rawhides and dog toys! Imagine! He is just like a normal dog! Well, on occasion we do find him feasting on melty beads, but you know, there’s that whole brain thing.
I couldn’t help but wonder, though, when I saw this
if perhaps he decided to switch from lingerie to footwear.
“What am I looking at, Ali?” You ask. Well, I will tell you.
That right there, my dear readers, is a pile of single socks that have no partners.
So, because my puppy has a RECORD, I have been watching Sir Indiana very carefully. I have been tempting him by leaving him alone with single socks. I have even left socks inside of his crate to see if he’d take the bait. But, no dice. Apparently, socks are not as interesting as Hanky Pankys.
So, while I celebrate that at this very moment every single one of my Tupperware bottoms has a corresponding top, the socks remain a mystery. Unless, of course, we have the Community pen-stealing monkey.
It’s the only explanation.