On May 5th 2006…
In May 6th, 2010…
It’s funny how four years ago, all I wanted to do was get my little 9 month old package of chub to perform her newest trick and she kind of had little to no interest in the camera, but now she comes home from school and says, “MAMA! Get the flip! I learned a new song in school today!”
And since my sister is here, and I shall be spending the day with her attempting to get the stupid security tag off of my BCBG dress after the snot-nosed BCBG outlet employee basically accused me of being  shoplifter and told a big fat lie when she said, “Ma’am, BGBG doesn’t use sensors,” because, um, there’s a dress….with a sensor on it. Also, there will likely be some breakfast food involved and maybe I will touch her new boobs. Or something.
If looking at videos of my baby isn’t enough for you, you can come on over to Juice and talk about this week’s episode of LOST, or you can read about my twenty minutes with Sterling Knight, or you can come on over to the newly designed Aiming Low and tell me about YOUR favorite on-screen kisses.